Smart Botanic IoT hackathon
Organized by the NGO Smart City Community Development Innovative Center and the NGO "Armenia Sector of the Internet Society," the Smart Botanic hackathon focused on the application of smart technological solutions in the Yerevan Botanical Garden. On November 21, participants showcased their innovative ideas and prototypes to the jury and guests.
Internet of Things practical cources
With supporting of ISOC Armenia Chapter the SmartCity NGO organized IoT classes for teenagers using Arduino and Raspberry Pi controllers. A well-structured curriculum helpe students understand and learn the necessary skills to build IoT projects. It included: Theoretical course – This course help to understand the value of using the Internet of Things for businesses and how they can help through smart product and data collection. Participants get the knowledge about IOT architecture, communication systems, IOT platforms and visualization solutions. Basic Practical course – this course help to get basic knowledge and experience in smart electronics design. During the course it is shown, how to work with different development boards such as Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, Raspberry Pi as well as connect with them a lot of sensors and actuators. Advanced practical course – During the ...
Botanical garden improvement
The Botanical Garden is the largest green area of Yerevan, located in the immediate vicinity of our community. The Innovative Center for Community Development is implementing a cooperation program with the Yerevan Institute of Botany, which aims to transform the Yerevan Botanical Garden into modern requirements. A working team has been formed, which develops a concept for the transformation and development of the park. Within the framework of the cooperation, our NGO initiated the opening of the second entrance of the park from Tsarav Aghbyur Street. The implementation of the program not only provided additional financial income for the Botanical Garden, but also a large number of regular visitors.
Collaboration information system
An information system has been created to provide an innovative environment in the community, which will be the main tool for cooperation between residents. It can serve the solution of various household and communal problems, contribute to the introduction of energy-saving technologies, and ensure the safety of the environment. The operation of the system will allow to have the following preconditions with community development: - will create an environment where residents will be able not only to communicate with each other, but also to conduct online discussions and lectures, exchange ideas, work on joint projects, even carry out joint scientific activities, - Innovative solutions and technologies will be introducing quickly, for example, energy saving solutions, community safety, etc. - Various information related to the community will be available in the system: documents, text materials, ...
Clean and safety yard
The "Clean and Safe Yard" project has been launched in the community. The goal of the project is to direct the potential of the community to keep the yard clean by using innovative technological solutions. In particular, network cameras were installed in the yard, through which it possible to control a part of the yard, ensuring the cleanliness of that area, the safety of parked cars. The aim of the launched project is to increase the number of cameras by ensuring video recording of the entire area of the yard, as well as to integrate the cameras already installed in the entrances into the system. Ensuring cleanliness. Through the efforts of the organization, a number of sabbaticals were organized in the community, in particular, the improvement and cultivation of the green area around the pool. A camera has been installed to keep that part of the yard in good condition. As a result, ...
Cultural meetings
The Innovative Center for Community Development organizes various cultural, cognitive discussions and meetings. In particular, the following were organized: "Artavazd B. Watching the popular science film "Honor is Above Life" with the comments of the film co-author, Doctor of Historical Sciences Artak Movsisyan. With the experienced photographer Asatur Yesayants, the residents got acquainted with the basic principles of photography: lighting, frame selection, composition, photo processing, etc. The residents of the community got acquainted with the Cafesjian Center for the Arts. Armen Yesayants, a resident of our community, Assistant to the Deputy Director of the Cafesjian Center for the Arts, Candidate of Arts, introduced the participants to the history of the Cascade, the museum collections, and the events taking place in the museum. The children of the community visited one of the ...
Additional education and lifelong learning
One of the important programs of the Innovative Center for Community Development is to create an additional, continuing education center in the community, the principles of which are accessibility for all age groups, common interests, voluntary participation through the principles of creative self-organization and self-government. The work of the center will promote the involvement of children and young people in cultural and technological events, the implementation of programs of public importance. At the same time, the center will become an environment for communication, creative potential, and the development of innovative initiatives. It is envisaged the active involvement of resident lecturers in the educational processes. The goals of the center are: Provide access to additional education for different social և age groups in accordance with their interests, interests and educational ...
Energy saving solutions and alternative energy
The Innovation Center for Community Development has participated in UNIDO, STEP և Startup Cup competitions, offering energy efficient solutions for apartments and common areas of buildings. The intelligent temperature management system has been developed by the young specialists of our center, which ensures an optimal heating regime in the apartment. The device has the ability to reduce the temperature of the apartment by 3-4 degrees at night and in the absence of residents, providing comfortable living conditions while reducing heating costs by 18-24%. The temperature is regulated according to the days of the week and hours. The system has self-learning properties for making decisions based on the other sensor signals.
Condominium Services Management System
With the support of Kolba Lab Innovation Laboratory, an online platform has been developed, which helps to strengthen the condominium and provides possibility to cooperation between the residents, to increase the accessibility and transparency of the condominium work. Residents are given the opportunity to be informed about the problems of the condominium, and the head of the condominium - to control the process of their implementation. The purpose of the system is to regulate the resident-condominium relationship. The system can be used by several condominiums, providing each with a separate own environment.