One of the important programs of the Innovative Center for Community Development is to create an additional, continuing education center in the community, the principles of which are accessibility for all age groups, common interests, voluntary participation through the principles of creative self-organization and self-government. The work of the center will promote the involvement of children and young people in cultural and technological events, the implementation of programs of public importance. At the same time, the center will become an environment for communication, creative potential, and the development of innovative initiatives. It is envisaged the active involvement of resident lecturers in the educational processes. The goals of the center are:
Provide access to additional education for different social և age groups in accordance with their interests, interests and educational requirements.
More than 50 children aged 7-15 took programming courses at the training center
Create favorable conditions for identifying and developing the abilities of gifted and talented children.
More than 50 children aged 7-15 took programming courses at the training centerThe students of the center participated in the DigiCode-2015 և DigiCode-2016 competitions, and took prizes
Create a creative environment that will contribute to the implementation of joint research, development of creative thinking, promotion of students' independence.
The students of the center presented their technological developments at the DigiTec exhibition, StartUP CUP, Accelerate 2030, CleanTech and Sevan StartUp Summit technology competitions.
Implement education and training of citizens in accordance with the changing demands of the labor market, develop a desire for self-education and lifelong learning.
"Internet of Things" theoretical and practical courses were organized